Start Sending Personalized Corporate Gifts Now—Your Happiness Depends On It

What’s better: giving corporate gifts or receiving them? Believe it or not, research actually shows that the joy of giving lasts longer.
When we receive a personalized gift, we’re more likely to compare it to other gifts. But when we give a gift, we focus less on comparison and we experience more happiness from the act of giving.
“Repeated giving, even in identical ways to identical others, may continue to feel relatively fresh and relatively pleasurable the more that we do it,” Ed O’Brien, one of the psychology researchers who conducted the study said.
Sure, it feels great to receive corporate gifts too, but if you want to sustain happiness over time, it’s better to give.
When you give gifts, you’re also more likely to receive them in return. French anthropologist-sociologist Marcel Mauss said that the theory of reciprocity plays a big role in gift-giving. This theory suggests that when we receive a gift, we feel an obligation to repay and give in return.
Bottom line: corporate gift-giving is a win-win. And with Sendoso, we make it easy to give.
How Corporate Gifts Can Close More Deals
Sending corporate gifts may seem old-school to some, but this is the secret to success for many companies. Our inboxes today are flooded with emails, but you can break through digital noise with corporate gifts and catch your prospect’s attention.
This way, you’re getting right on your prospect’s desk (instead of their inbox). Your prospect is 30 times more likely to respond than if you just sent an email. And can you blame them? People never seem excited at the idea of responding to email, but they love when a package arrives with their name on it!
You can also engage multiple people with one gift they can share, such as cupcakes, wine, macarons, or popcorn. The options for shareable corporate gifts are endless, but each one gets the whole office talking about your brand.

After that sugar rush from a delicious cupcake, they are sure to follow up and thank you for the kind gesture. People love giving and receiving, which creates better relationships between companies and prospects.
Send Personalized Corporate Gifts for Extra Happiness
Gift-giving is all about personal relationships and building a connection with someone. Ninety-six percent of digital marketers say that personalization advances customer relationships. You can take the time to send a personalized gift to really hit home for prospects and develop your relationship with them.
With just a little research, you can easily find out what college your prospect went to. Boom. Now you can send them a personalized tumbler mug with their alma mater or company name on it. This gift has both form and function. Your prospect will definitely follow up and think of your brand each time they take a sip from the mug!

Keep in mind that sending your prospects corporate gifts is not just for the holidays. Corporate gifts can be used year-round to strengthen your relationships, so why limit the growth of those relationships to only the holidays? The more you give, the more likely you are to receive and get more responses from your prospects.
After receiving a gift, your prospect feels valued, trusts your brand, and feels obliged to respond. That’s why gift-giving will never go out of style, and neither will sending corporate gifts. Get sending today—you’ll feel happier when you do!
Want corporate gift ideas so you can start building relationships with your prospects? Check out our eBook for 101 unforgettable corporate gift ideas!

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