April 22, 2024

4 Direct Mail Campaign Triggers for Smart OmniChannel Marketing

Brianna Valleskey
Brianna Valleskey

A black background with orange and white lines

Utilizing a direct mail campaign in your omnichannel revenue strategy is easier than ever—thanks to the ability to automatically trigger sending.

Our solution offers APIs and integrations across marketing, sales, and customer success software that enable you to set up programs that will send direct mail based on specific criteria. That means activities like a website form fill, email open and clickthrough rate, lead score, sales stage, advocate participation, and more can trigger a direct mail campaign.

We’ll be at Activate 19 this week exploring a brand new integration with Iterable’s growth marketing platform, where a direct mail campaign, physical items, and eGift cards can be added to an intuitive drag-and-drop workflow studio. This integration will create a brand new message medium in Interable for direct mail that will allow a user to create direct mail campaigns that can blast or trigger workflows.

And remember that with Sendoso, a direct mail campaign means more than just postcards. We can send anything: physical items, digital gifts, food, drinks, plants, and much more. Keep reading to learn about four ways you can set up triggered direct mail sends using Sendoso and Iterable.

Smart Ways to Trigger a Direct Mail Campaign

1. Reward Website Visitors for Filling out Forms

Trigger: Website Form Fill

When someone fills out a form on your website, they expect to get whatever is offered in exchange for their information (like a webinar, eBook, demo, etc.). But they don’t necessarily expect—or want—to receive multiple marketing emails after offering that up.

Make people’s interactions with your website delightful and memorable by offering a $5 coffee eGift card when they fill out a form. Add a message about how you wanted to give them something to sip on while attending your webinar, enjoying the eBook, or experiencing the product demo. We’ve found that coffee eGifts can increase show rates by almost 20%.

2. Re-Engage Customers Who Abandon Carts During Checkout

Trigger: Cart Abandon

People abandon their online shopping carts for multitudes of reasons: slow website speed, too many extra fees, not wanting to create an account, and so on. How do you generate enough excitement for them to actually come back to your website and go through the shopping experience again?

Segment these potential customers based on the products they intended to buy, then send them a fun direct mail campaign featuring 3D pop-up cards of those types of items. Research shows that physical ads trigger activity in the part of the brain responsible for value and desirability in featured products. This can be an effective way to inspire their interest in your product or service again.

3. Welcome New Customers in Personalized Ways

Trigger: Contact Field Change

Up to 50% of your highest-spending customers will also shop with your competitors. But you’ve already asked for their business, so you need to come up with a different way to drive long-lasting loyalty.

Send each new customer and fun and exciting welcome kit. That can include anything from company swag to educational assets to help them use your product. Even something as small as a branded pack of gum can be effective. Our customers at LiveRamp saw a high correlation between renewal rates and customers who had received a direct mail touchpoint within 30 days of the initial sale.

4. Encourage Everyday Use of Product or App

Trigger: Response to In-App Promotion

True product adoption can be difficult to achieve. Your customers have a million things constantly begging for their attention, so simply asking them to spend more time with your offering is not likely to help your cause.

Keep customers engaged by rewarding them along the way. Someone download or signs on to your app for the first time? Send them a congratulatory email that says they’ll get a special reward after using it the first 10 times (in a certain amount of days). When they do, send them something fresh like a sweet treat or small desk succulent. This both helps build the habit of using your product and create a good experience with your brand.

These are just a few ways to add automated direct mail triggers into your marketing, sales, and customer success strategy—and they can all be made possible by utilizing our integration with Iterable.

If you’re interested in participating in a beta test for the integration, send us an email at hello@sendoso.com.

Or, if you’d like some inspiration for what to send in your direct mail campaign, grab your copy of our eBook below.


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