
Build and Close More Pipeline with the Pocus and Sendoso Integration

A black background with blue dots on it

If you’ve heard the phrase “Do more with less,” raise your hand. 🙋

Marketers have been tasked with generating a pipeline that converts, filling the lead funnel, creating engaging content, launching campaigns - the list goes on. At the same time, budgets are flat or shrinking, and time spent on any project is at a premium.

So, how can you effectively accomplish all these goals while being efficient with time and money? We have one word for you: automation.

You might be thinking, “Sendoso, you’re all about the personal touch! Isn’t automation the complete opposite of that?” We’re here to tell you that you can have your automation and build personal relationships, too. We think of it as helping you send the right gift to the right person at the right time.

By integrating the tools you already have at your fingertips with Sendoso, you can build (and scale!) outreach programs that are personalized and effective without adding any additional workflows to your marketing or sales process. 

We’ve created this playbook to help you maximize our Pocus integration. Sendoso customers have proven these strategies, so we know they work. Get ready to supercharge your marketing and sales processes and impress leadership with your team’s success.

Sendoso + Pocus

Pocus is mission control for your pipeline. Pocus gathers your product usage and other intent signals (marketing, customer, and 3rd party intent data) in one place and triggers go-to-market playbooks based on those signals to help you generate revenue. The best part about Pocus is that the seamless integration with Sendoso allows you to send personalized gift campaigns based on data with just one click. No more toggling across multiple tools!

Using this collection of playbooks, you can:

  • Turn past product champions into new opportunities by sending eGifts
  • Build relationships with key decision-makers using strategic gift campaigns
  • Create grass-roots-level support for your product among ICs with small-scale celebratory moments

Follow these steps to create signal-based playbooks to connect with the right person at the right time.

Formula for Success

Build your signal-based playbooks in Pocus with this formula:

Pocus allows you to build custom playbooks pairing intent signals with actions. These intent signals can be comprised of 1st party data, 3rd party data, or data you purchase and import. Most importantly, Pocus gives you easy access to all your product usage data — the highest form of intent data available to your company. Product usage can help you engage your customers at the right moments along their journey.  

Once you’ve gathered your signals, you can pair them with actions. Actions can be automated or manual, depending on the goal of your playbook. Each playbook ladders up to a specific goal, like building pipeline or expanding existing accounts. 

Here’s a breakdown of each step.

Choose a goal: In Pocus, goals define an intended outcome for an eligible segment. Common goals include free-to-paid conversion, account expansion, or churn prevention. When configuring a goal, you can also choose which team owns this specific outcome.

Identify the signal: Once you’ve set up your goal, identify the signal your playbook will focus on. Signals are typically discovered via first-party, third-party, or purchased data. For example, hitting a significant product usage milestone can signal that a customer has become a power user and product champion. Playbooks can layer multiple signals to fine-tune targeting.

Complete the action: The action is the event or series of events triggered as part of a Pocus playbook. For users of the Sendoso/Pocus integration, the two primary actions are cueing a rep to manually trigger a gift to send or triggering an automated Sendoso campaign.

Build Your Gifting Strategy

After you’ve identified the relevant data to track and set up your trigger, it’s time to consider your gifting campaigns. Personalization is key, and there are a few things to consider when building your plan.

Choosing the right gift

First and foremost, we know that one size doesn’t fit all. In any of your gifting campaigns, it's important to offer your recipient a few gifts to choose from in a range that touches on different interests or needs. For this, a Sendoso Choice campaign is the way to go.

The type of gifts you include in your outreach should correspond to the type of campaign you’re running. 

For a door-opener campaign targeting an account at the top of your funnel, starting with eGift cards is a great choice. Depending on how large your audience is, this helps avoid eating up your budget and gives you time to assess the campaign's success before going all-in on larger gifts.

Popular eGifts include gift cards for coffee, food delivery, and restaurants. 

When targeting specific personas at high-value accounts, you may want to splurge a little with physical gift options. Getting something delivered into your prospect's hands is super impactful and will definitely make an impression on them. 

With Sendoso’s Address Confirmation feature, you don’t need an address ahead of time. The recipient puts in their address when they accept the gift, and we never store any of their information. Convenient and secure!

You'll likely target two levels of contacts at your accounts: above-the-line buyers and below-the-line buyers. 

Above the Line buyers are typically C-suite or VP level and tend to be the primary decision-makers in the account. They usually aren’t the end user, so the pain point your product solves for likely isn’t apparent in their day-to-day. However, they are typically the people approving budgets and spending, so you’ll want to ensure they have a firm understanding of how your product benefits their team. A thoughtful gift can go a long way in making these busy executives pay attention to you.

The ideal budget for these personas is $100-$250. Sendoso has thousands of gifts in our marketplace, so picking out a few universally appealing items is easy. Here are some examples:

For the homebody: Loved & Found Cozy Night In Spirits box

For the fashion-forward: The Sustainable Watch Co.: The Oak Watch

For the note-taker: Dayspring Pens Noteworthy Leather Journal and Pen Set

Below the Line buyers are more likely to be your main point of contact and champion in the company. They are your product's end user and are looking to solve a real problem. Unlike Above the Line buyers, they are intimately familiar with the tools they’re using and can quickly identify their pain points and blockers. However, they typically aren’t in charge of spending or budget and will usually have to request approval or bring in decision-makers before the deal can close.

When you’ve identified your champion, you’ll want to build and cement that relationship quickly. Even though you’re spending less on these gifts, the action is no less valuable. The ideal price point for this group is $25-$50, but you can go as high as $75 if your budget allows. 

Here are some of our favorite gifts at this price point:

For the sweet tooth: Grove Cookie Company - Baker’s Choice Dozen Cookies

For those in need of a spa day: The Goodness Project Calm Wellness Letterbox Gift Box

For the one who just wants to have fun: Pinatagram

Sendoso + Pocus Signal-Based Gift Campaigns

Let’s explore some of the specific Pocus playbooks you can run to get the most out of Senodoso’s gifting capabilities. While these playbooks are some of the most popular, you can always custom-build playbooks for your use cases.

Playbook: Product Champion Switches Jobs

Suppose you see high turnover among your product champions at the company or industry level. In that case, recent job changes can be the perfect opportunity to get your foot in the door at a target account. A “job switcher” playbook builds on the goodwill you’ve established with a product champion to carry over the relationship to a new company.

Goal: Build new pipeline by reaching out to past product champions.

Signal: Pocus Job Switcher identifies a past product champion who has started a new role at a target company.

Action: Send a note to your product champion congratulating them on their new job and providing a link to a curated eGift selection for them to choose from. Depending on the person’s role within the account, you can use outreach to re-establish a relationship (build rapport) or explicitly ask for an intro. 

Not sure how to craft your message? Don’t make your first email overtly a pitch. Remember, you’re reaching out because they’re starting a new chapter in their career! Show them that you appreciate them championing your product at their last company and offer to help them in their new role.

Playbook: Director+ Achieves Product Milestone

Celebrate the wins of your senior product champions with a customized gift. Creating moments of surprise and delight can help build loyalty and strengthen rapport, turning your key account decision-makers into product evangelists.

Goal: Retain revenue through churn prevention.

Signal: Combine user title information with product usage data to identify when a Director or above has achieved a key product milestone at their team level.

Action: Send a note congratulating the Director+ on their team hitting this milestone and thanking them for being a great partner. For example, an ESP might send a “Congrats on X million emails sent!” message, while a payment processor may send a “Congrats on $XX in revenue!” message. 

Depending on your product functionality and the customer’s industry, consider asking for a customer testimonial or case study opportunity to help continue building the relationship. Also, keep in mind that it may be worth having a slightly higher budget for this gift since it’s going to a leadership-level client with decision-making power.

Playbook: IC Achieves Product Milestone

By building loyalty with the day-to-day users of your product, you’ll have grassroots support when it’s contract renewal time. Plus, ICs who see value in your product can help act as product evangelists internally during an expansion effort. As an added benefit, because ICs are often overlooked by vendors, a small gift can go a long way, meaning you don’t need a big budget to see the impact.

Goal: Retain revenue through churn prevention.

Signal: Combine user title information with product usage data to identify when an IC has achieved an individual-level key product milestone.

Action: Send a note congratulating the IC on hitting the product milestone and offering ideas for the next milestones to target. For example, a video platform might congratulate an IC on loading 50+ videos with a link to content on ideas for more videos.

Test, Analyze, and Iterate on Your Playbooks

Once building and running signal-based playbooks like these has become the norm for your team, it’s time to experiment, track performance, and iterate. In short, when you find something that works, double down. 

  • Review playbook performance data regularly. This may seem obvious, but confirming that your playbook is achieving the original goal you aligned it with is essential. Engagement metrics and customer sentiment are important, but at the end of the day, the playbook needs to be earning or protecting revenue. Pocus can help streamline this process by consolidating playbook reporting and automatically surfacing playbooks your team might be missing.
  • Run incremental tests. Don’t try to change too much too fast when experimenting. Decide which variables might make the most significant, most immediate impact if tested. For example, you can coach reps on how to action leads faster or improve their messaging to see if the playbook performs better. Set an experimentation window during which you’ll gather and measure data.
  • Get feedback from the field. Ask your reps what they’re hearing and seeing. They’re a great front-line resource for new market patterns, which messaging resonates, and where there may be new opportunities. They may also have valuable insights on what’s not landing with leads and customers.

Send It!

Integrating Pocus’ GTM platform and Sendoso’s gifting capabilities can take your signal-based playbooks to the next level. By targeting the right person at the right time with the perfect gift, your team can build stronger customer relationships, break into new target accounts, and create lifelong product champions.

With Pocus and Sendoso combined you can test and refine your playbooks, maximizing budget and providing tangible results. Get started today and crush your pipeline goals.