Inside Sendoso: 5 Creative Sends to Set Meetings

Discover insights and tips from our own team at Sendoso. Our sales development representatives are coming up with creative ways to set meetings with prospects, and of course, they use Sendoso to make it happen.
In his own words, Giano Fiore shares creative sends that have captured the attention of his prospects.
1. Get and Set With Green Tea
Depending on how long you’ve been in sales, you probably know that SalesNavigator sometimes links to people’s social media – or you can just search them yourself.
This prospect wrote that he was a “Green Tea Enthusiast”- so I sent him a DIY Green Tea Kit with Sendoso’s Amazon integration and got this response:
Hi,Thanks for the creative outreach. Not necessary to send the tea set, but I would be interested in a quick conversation about your platform. Specifically for the short term, I’m looking for new ways to help send holiday gifts to our clients this year, then potentially through the year at other times. Next week, Wednesday or Thursday morning would work for me and I may include a member of my staff.
BTW, this deal closed.
2. Roll Your Way Into a Meeting With Yoga Gear
If you spend most of your day prospecting as I do, maybe you’ve also seen how many people have “yoga fanatic” or “yogi” somewhere in their bio. It must be necessary from the stress of hitting quota…
If you have a hard-to-reach “yogi” in your contact list, send them a yoga mat, yoga block, or a foam roller.
Plus, there are plenty of puns you can use like “roll your way into a meeting with me.”
3. College Gear to Remember
Sending prospects’ gear from their college is one of the easiest and most effective attention-grabbing sends.
Everyone has their college listed on LinkedIn. Many continue to be lifelong fans of their school. So it’s an easy idea to implement.
My sales team sends college gear whenever someone went to a popular sports college. Try to mention something relevant like a recent game or popular alumni that went to their school.
Giano, I took you up on the hat offer to see how the software works. We can chat perhaps next week. Specifically, I’d be curious how/if your solution integrates with Salesforce. Thanks!
Yes, our software integrates with Salesforce seamlessly!
4. Lure Them In With Fishing Gear
If you have a tough-to-reach prospect and can track down that they are a fisherman, you can “lure” them in with a fishing send.
Chances are they won’t actually use the lures that you send, most are pretty picky about their gear. But it almost always grabs their attention and gets a response (and a laugh).
Think about how often they see something like that from a salesperson.
Here’s an example of a meeting set from one of my fishing lure sends:

5. A Gift of Celebration
Have a prospect who has something to celebrate? Send them a bottle of champagne with Sendoso’s address confirmation feature.
If they just started in a new role or were mentioned in the news, chances are their inbox is full of “congrats” emails. But your email might be one of the few “congrats” emails offering a gift to help celebrate.
If they confirm their address and receive your bottle with your heartwarming handwritten note… BOOM.
I follow up with a call referencing the email and almost always schedule a meeting or get a referral.
5 Minutes to Make a Difference
As a rep, we can all do a little more than send out templates and go through 50 cold calls a day (even though I do that too…). The extra 5 minutes it takes to read their LinkedIn bio and find their Twitter really makes a difference.
Try adding in a physical or virtual impression with Sendoso and you’ll really grab attention.

About the writer: Giano Fiore is a sales development representative at Sendoso where he connects prospects with personalization + Sendoso. He believes sending creates more deals, more conversions, and more meetings.
Want to chat about creative ideas for your team? Get creative with Giano and book time with his creative mind.
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